viernes, 8 de julio de 2011

I want more!

This course has been my first clown experience. I have learned a lot .. about myself and about what it is to be a clown.

At the beginning I was a bit blocked doing the exercises and enjoying myself like a clown. I learned how I can look a person into the eyes, laugh with my eyes. I also have learned that I can find a special pleasure when I break the rules in a particular logical way. I learned not to think too much when I’m on stage… to find my pleasure and the pleasure of the audience.

I have learned how to behave on stage, how I can fall and not be injured. I have learned to find pleasure when I work with others.

I have learned to approach people in the street. I have learned to express my emotion when performing. I have learned that in a simple way I can do funny numbers.

I have learned many more things, like how to adapt myself to taking group decisions. I have to learn more about clown… I liked it very much and I hope that this experience opened my mind, my heart, my body, my feeling, my soul in a search for my way to be a clown.

I have learned what it is to be in the flop. I have learned how to see the comedy in attitudes and situations, in violence.

I have discovered the history of clown.

I want more.

PS: When I get home I don’t want the clown to stay in Spain, but to stay with me all my life.


The flowering of knowledge - June 2011

I liked the length of this course, the fact that it wasn’t just a short workshop without the possibility of following the students’ process. The one-month course does allow for this attention, and the students are required to attend to their faults, permitting a gradual evolution of the student.

Also of great value for me was that the learned practices are put to the test in real-life situations that allow for a wider understanding of clown performance and of what is in reality required for it to work. The opportunity for sharing with people from different places opens up your awareness of your own notions and views on clown. Different outlooks on the world always offer alternatives to our own sociocultural assumptions.

I experienced some personal problems, among which was an extreme state of nostalgia and a gradual loss of self-confidence. I had moments when I didn’t feel able to do some of the activities.

But in spite of this, I have a positive vision of my experience, since these little personal earthquakes allow for the disintegrating of mistaken or useless ways, in order to leave room for new foundations for an understanding and experience whose real dimensions will only be visible with time. Everything experienced here must pass through a period of ripening and settling in before real knowledge can flower.

I think I have learned much, now I have to assimilate it and integrate it into myself.


Apropriarme de lo aprendido - Junio 2011

De esta experiencia me ha gustado la periodicidad de la enseñanza, el hecho de que no sea un seminario breve en el cual no puede existir un seguimiento en los procesos del alumno. La modalidad de 1 mes de curso permite que ese seguimiento sí sea posible y, efectivamente, al alumno se le exija con atención a sus falencias, permitiendo una evolución paulatina del estudiante.

También en positivo y muy valorado por mí que los conocimientos entregados son puestos en práctica en situaciones reales que permiten una visión más amplia del fenómeno de un espectáculo clown y de lo que realmente se requiere para su presentación. La posibilidad del compartir con personas de distintos lugares permite ampliar la visión de las propias nociones y expectativas en torno al clown. Las distintas visiones del mundo siempre ofrecen nuevas miradas a nuestras percepciones socioculturales.

Yo me encontré con muchas dificultades, entre las que se encontraba un estado anímico extremadamente nostálgico y una pérdida gradual (a medida que avanzaba el curso) de autoconfianza. Hubo momentos en los cuales simplemente no me sentía capaz de realizar las distintas actividades.

A pesar de eso, tengo una visión positiva ya que estos pequeños terremotos personales permiten la desintegración de estructuras equivocadas o inútiles, para que se instalen nuevos cimientos para un conocimiento y experiencia cuyas dimensiones reales sólo podrán verse con el tiempo. Todo lo vivido acá deberá pasar por un período de maduración y acomodo antes de que un verdadero conocimiento llegue a manifestarse.

Creo que he aprendido mucho, ahora me corresponde APROPIARME de lo aprendido e integrarlo de manera orgánica a mi persona.


jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Mi paso por Cal Clown

Antes de llegar aquí el único contacto que había tenido con un escenario había sido a través del teatro y de la animación. Nunca había tenido ningún contacto con el clown así que me puse a buscar cursos de clown. Buscando y buscando encontré esta escuela, vi la programación que ofrecía y me decidí bastante rápido.

Una vez aquí, desconectas del mundo y aprendes a disfrutar cada momento y a aprovechar cualquier situación de la vida diaria. Eso es lo primero que me enseñaron al llegar a Cal Clown.

Durante el curso te olvidas de los calendarios y de los relojes, sólo piensas en estar aquí y querer estar aquí. Y cuando te das cuenta ya es el último día y dices ¿ya está?, ¡qué rápido pasó! Sin darte cuenta vas aprendiendo cosas nuevas. Hay cosas que aún no me había dado cuenta de que las había aprendido y las estoy descubriendo poco a poco porque lo que te enseñan no es algo que te entre por la cabeza de “chapatoria”, sino que lo aprendes jugando y disfrutando en todo momento. Cuando el curso avanza te ves capacitado para crear números propios. Ésta es una parte del curso bastante intensa pero luego sientes un placer enorme por el trabajo que has hecho.

Mi paso por Cal Clown fue de buen rollo y, como decimos los gallegos, quedará “morriña” de este lugar.

Abraham Fernández

Un Més en Cal Clown Junio 2011

Un mes en Cal Clown! El tiempo ha pasado tan rápido que no me lo puedo creer que ya se ha acabado el curso! Disfruté mucho el estar en medio de la naturaleza y tener un espacio donde me podía concentrar totalmente en el aprendizaje del Clown, conviviendo con payasos de todas partes del mundo.
Yo había participado en algunos cursos de fin de semana antes y decidí hacer el curso de un mes para tener más claro lo que es el Clown para mí y qué importancia tiene en d mi vida.
Lo primero que aprendí en Cal Clown era que en verdad no sabía nada sobre el Clown. Y que para aprenderlo y entenderlo necesitaré un montón de esfuerzo y tiempo, tal vez toda mi vida!:=)
Lo más impresionante y fuerte de estas cuatro semanas fue el proceso de abrirme como persona y como Clown. Poco a poco sacarme las cáscaras para poder compartir más lo que siento. Abrirme al público para mostrarme lo más trasparente posible.
Entender y sentir el estado “cero” del Clown.
Disfruté un montón relacionarme con mis compañer@s de curso, con Clara y Jon, con los intercambistas y con los perros a través del juego y las emociones…y no a través de la palabra como suele ocurrir.
Ahora estoy con muchísimas ganas de seguir formándome como Clown y me siento muy agradecida por haber podido compartir este tiempo con todos los de Cal Clown.
Gracias por tanto amor y alegría!
Empayasa/emos el mundo!:=)


My passage through Cal Clown

Before arriving here the only contact I had had with the stage had been through theatre and entertaining. I hadn’t had any contact with clown and so I started looking for clown courses. Aft er much looking, I found the school, saw the programme of studies they offered and decided quite quickly.

Once here, you disconnect from the world and learn to enjoy every moment and to take advantage of any situation in daily life. That’s the first thing they taught me at Cal Clown.

During the course you forget about diaries and watches, you only think about being here and wanting to be here. And when you realise suddenly it’s the last day and you say “Is that it? How quickly it’s gone!” Without realising, you’ve learned new things. There are things that I still haven’t realised what I’ve learned and which I am discovering Little by Little, because what they teach you isn’t something that goes in through your head, but something you learn by playing and enjoying every moment.

As the course advances you begin to be able to create your own numbers. This is quite an intense part of the course but later you feel a great pleasure from the work you’ve done.

My passage through Cal Clown was great fun and I’ll miss the place.

Abraham Fernández

My Time at Cal Clown

Wow! So much to say about my experience at Cal Clown! It all began a few years ago after seeing a performer in the street...he was hilarious and brilliant in what he did...I was bedazzled and wanted to know his secret! He was a clown! Gone were my preconceptions of a clown being someone who wears stupid make up and entertains children badly. A new world of curiosity had opened for me, I wanted to learn! I scoured the internet for courses and found a weekend course at Escola de clown de Barcelona. Little did I know how much this would change my life over the coming years!
So I did the weekend course...the school was beautiful!...a haven of happiness in a beautiful little spot in a forest on rolling hills with the Pyrenees as a backdrop. There was a beautiful old Spanish farmhouse in a clearing and a circus tent nestled in between the trees. I had found a community of people filled with love and good intention, I had found a place where I could grow and be human, and be me. And over that weekend I had my first taste of what clown was, the real me, uncovered and open...or at least a part of it. But the weekend wasn’t enough! I wanted more! I returned to my home in England and carried on with my life. I had no money to be doing anymore clown training though I knew that’s what I wanted to do. So I bimbled on and enjoyed my summer...nearly 6 months passed and then one day I received an email from the school regarding student/work exchange; It felt like the skies had opened! Yes! I saw a possibility/opportunity to continue on my journey in becoming a clown and replied to see if I could do the exchange. I was over the moon when I got a reply saying that I had been accepted!
A few weeks later I arrived and started as a worker at cal clown! I was so pleased to be back there in that place. There was a lovely bunch of students and workers there and I felt welcomed and loved! My experience as a worker at the school was a wonderfilled one! As fruitful and energising in some ways as the clown training itself but different! It felt more like being part of something beautiful evolving than work! As a worker I would cook, clean and do many various jobs in and around the house...allsorts actually!! And it was always a delight as the people there are so nice! Clowns!! There would always be laughter, joy, music and bimbles and on my day off there would be nothing better than a walk through the forest down to the river(so beautiful!) , going for a swim, and collecting elderflower for cordial! It was a truly fruitful experience as a worker and I loved it! But my work finished and the next time I went back it was to begin my training as a become a student!
Wow it was finally happening! After all the work I began my clown training! It was quite funny to become a student again after working there the times before. I would wake up, there would be coffee and a lovely breakfast on the table ready. We would then go on a little walk through the forest before class; a really nice way to wake up!
The courses were amazing! The classes consisted of lots of games and play! Yes! Finding your clown was the first part of the process and breaking down personal barriers to discover the inner clown and let him out. It’s really quite clever how the series of games the teachers put together draw you out and open you up! And it’s FUN!! After that you go on to develop your clown in many different ways...emotion, character, street, magic, circus, partner/group, name but a few! There’s so many different angles! And at the end of the course we did a show to the public! It’s amazing to see how myself and indeed everyone else on the course had changed in a short time! It wasn’t just a change in the way we performed either, it was a transformation of self, the opening of something beautiful within; we were different in everyday life too. I felt more love and compassion towards people and more love and light within.
I have also found many new ways to put together numbers; I have learnt many new ways of formula and theory to apply to different situations and scenarios and also completely changed my perception on how to look at things and situations. I have created new numbers much different from my old style and with my new perception I have found much joy and emotion both in my shows and in my soul.
I would like to thank Clara and Jon deeply from my heart for the work they have done with me and for the wonderful change and beauty I feel within. I feel I have received and found something pure and wonderful, perception changing and energising....I feel so much more connected to me and to the essence of being. I came to improve my perception as a performer but have found something infinitely more than I could have ever originally imagined!
The way I live my life has changed, and changed for the better! And now in my homelife I try to live my life as a clown too! Honest and pure.
My only sadness now is that my time at cal clown has finished!! Maybe I'll make a disguise and go back as a new student and start over Dudley Moocoo from Eastern Europe!!
Muchos love and thanks to you Clara and Jon....and all the wonderful characters I met at my time in Cal Clown! xxx

Gary Boardman

A Month in Cal Clown, June 2011

A month in Cal Clown! The time has passed so quickly that I can’t believe the course has already finished! I enjoyed so much being in the middle of nature and having space where I could concentrate totally on learning Clown, living with clowns from all over the world.

I had already taken part in some weekend workshops before and decided to do a one month course in order to clarify what Clown is for me and its importance in my life.

The first thing I learned at Cal Clown is that I really didn’t know anything about Clown. And that to learn it and understand it I would need a lot of time and effort, perhaps my whole life!

The most amazing thing of the four weeks was the process of opening up as a person and as a Clown. Little by little removing the layers in order to be able to share what I feel. Opening up to the audience and revealing myself as transparently as possible. Understanding and feeling the “zero” state of the Clown.

I enjoyed so much relating to my fellow course-mates, with Clara and Jon, with the workers and with the dogs, through playing and emotions... and not through words like usually happens.

Now I am really keen to keep training in Clown and I feel very grateful for having been able to share this time with everyone who makes up Cal Clown.

Thank you for so much love and joy!

Let’s Clown the world!


miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Otra vez aquí

Bueno otra vez aquí.

No sé como empezar, sólo decir que esta vez ya no me había hecho ideas preconcebidas como otras veces, venía abierto a todo lo que pudiese suceder. Me ha encantado sobre todo como ejercicios que ya había hecho la anterior vez me han servido para entender como funciona mi payaso un poco más.

También me ha gustado mucho los otros talleres que nos han impartido otros profesores que no son ni Clara ni Jon, en especial el de golpes y caídas. Aunque no haya conseguido meterlo en ningún número nuevo, el aprender a no hacerme daño al caer queda grabado en mi cabeza y en mi cuerpo para futuros números.

La experiencia como clown de hospital me sorprendió, me quedé extrañado de lo relajado y tranquilo que estuve en el hospital con diferentes pacientes.

Me encanta este lugar, su energía y toda la gente que hace posible que esto funcione.

Un abrazo para todas.


Here we are again

Well, here we are again.

I don’t know where to start, just to say that this time around I didn’t come with preconceived ideas in my head, I came open to whatever might happen.. I especially loved how exercises that I had done on the last course has helped me understand how my clown works a bit more.

I also liked the classes given by teachers other than Clara and Jon, especially the slapstick. Although I never managed to get it into any of my numbers, learning not to hurt yourself when falling will remain implanted in my brain and body for the future.

The hospital clown experience surprised me, I was amazed how relaxed and calm I was in the hospital with different patients.

I love this place, its energy and all the people who make it work.

Hugs for everyone.
