del 2 al 7 Abril 2012
Profesores: Clara Cenoz y Jon Davison
400€ (incluye: curso, de 6 a 9 horas diarias; alojamiento en habitaciones de 4 personas como máximo; 3 comidas vegetarianas diarias) Trabajaremos los fundamentos del clown: el placer de jugar, de encontrar y aceptar el fracaso; y poder aprovechar tu propio ridículo a tu favor. En otras palabras, ríete de ti mismo y harás reír a los demás!
Nos pondremos una nariz roja para quitarnos nuestras máscaras, para volver a nacer como clowns. Nos admiraremos mutuamente por nuestra estupidez y juntos haremos el ridículo, disfrutando de la locura sana y la conexión interior del clown. Un taller dirigido a los que quieren descubrir o que siguen buscando "su clown", a los que quieren ser más libres, aceptarse totalmente y hacerse responsables de su ser en totalidad, para ser cada vez mejores Clowns.
2nd – 7th April 2012
Introduction to Clown
Teachers: Clara Cenoz and Jon Davison
(price includes: course tuition, from 6 to 9 hours per day; accommodation in bedrooms of maximum 4 persons; 3 vegetarian meals per day.)
We will explore the fundamentals of clowning: the pleasure of play, finding and accepting our failure; and how to use our own ridiculousness in our favour. In other words, laugh at yourself and you will make others laugh. We will put on a red nose in order to remove our masks, to be re-born as clowns. We will admire each other for our stupidity and together will make fools of ourselves, enjoying the healthy craziness and inner connection of the clown. A workshop aimed at those who want to discover or continue searching for their clown, for those who want to be freer, to accept themselves completely and to take full responsibility for their whole being, in order to be better Clowns.